Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Memberi itu sama dengan Menerima

Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Tidak akan berkurang harta yang disedekahkan dan seseorang yang selalu membiasakan pemberian maaf maka Allah akan menambah kemuliaan kepadanya dan tidaklah seseorang itu tawadhu (rendah hati) kecuali Allah akan mengangkat derajatnya."
HR Turmudzi 4/376 h.n 2029.

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011


aih pas ke mangga dua mall, inklan ini langsung bikin gw jatuh hati

microsoft mungkin nyadar iklan2 seriusnya selama ini ngga mengurangi konsumennya yang pake microsoft bajakan. taon ini dibikinlah iklan yang nyeleneh dan indonesia banget.

gw jatuh cinta banget ama nih iklan. ngga kebayang gimana ya kira2 prosesnya bisa bikin iklan kaya gini. kaya apa brainstromingnya sebelom lahir konsep kaya gini. salut ah ;D

berdoa saja iklan ini ngga cuman keren di konsep, tapi benar2 sukses menyadarkan konsumen microsoft bajakan :D

" Saya tidak akan bisa seperti yang asli. Pastikan pilih yang original " Ronaldikin

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

How to Perform Wudhu ( Illustration By Luluq Baraqbah )

The Islamic ablution, Wudu is not just a ritual, but a practical means by which Muslims and others may seek to remain clean and maintain good hygiene. It mentally Prepare Muslims for the Salat (prayers),As Salat(prayers) is an Important Pillar (among Five Pillar) of Muslim Faith.It is this period when a person is most nearer to his Lord-Almighty ALLAH (swt) Muslims need to be in a state of Wudu in order to perform Salat or read and handle The Holy Qur'an

1. Make niyyah or the intention to perform wudu.

2.Recite the following:
"In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, most Merciful".

3. Wash your hands. Use your left hand to wash your right hand (3 times). After that, using your right hand, wash your left hand. (3 times).

4. Rinse your involves whole mouth & upper part of throat also Do this thoroughly to get all the remaining food in your mouth out. (3 times).

5. Inhale water into your nose. After which you will blow the water out. (3 times).

6. Wash your face completely.While washing the Face the Eyes should be kept open so that water reaches in all parts of faces The whole face encompasses your right ear to the left, and from the edge of the hair to the chin. (3 times).

7. Wash your lower arms.from Wrists to Elbows,leave no part dry Wash your right arm with your left hand (3 times) and then wash your left arm with your right hand (3 times)

8. Wipe your head. Using your wet hands, just gently wipe your head from front to back and back to front (once).

9. Wipe your ears inside and out. (once).
10. Wash each of your feet. Do so up to the ankles and between the toes (3 times). Or instead you can perform mas-h, if you have the needed requirements for doing it.

11. Recite the following:

Ash-hadu allaa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahuu laa shariikalah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhuu wa rasuuluh

"I bear witness that there is no God but Allah alone, without any partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is his servant and messenger."

12. This Should be recited while pointing Right Index Finger towards Sky.

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011


teman2 makasih yee UDAH BANTUIN DISPLAY...udah bawain paku, masangin kaen, ngangkat2,gunting2, nge Lem nge Lem, haha semuanya deh...thanks alot :D

Meski sudah lulus dari yang namanya pendidikan formal beberapa bulan yang lalu, nostalgia tugas akhir memang tidak ada habisnya. makanya gw kepengen bgt aplot sebagian artwork tugas akhir gw .

ini sebagian (hanya beberapa dari total 40 halaman illustrai ) dari tugas akhir gw yang alhamdulillah terselesaikan tanpa hambatan, meski dikerjain berdarah2 campur kantung mata yang diameternya makin bertambah dari hari ke hari. sayang rasanya kalau hanya di simpan di dalam komputer kamar dan hanya dinikmati sendiri. enjoy :D